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Jaw Joint Disorders 

In the Oral Implantology clinic, patients who have lost their natural teeth due to reasons such as caries, fractures or gingival disease impl tooth  deficiencies. Clenching and stress are among the most important causes of jaw joint discomfort, which restricts daily activities such as eating, talking and yawning, and causes pain. In the treatment of this disease, in which the treatment method is determined according to the degree of discomfort, it is aimed to restore the jaw  functions to the patient in a normal and painless way. The range of treatment is wide enough to cover the treatment of patients who have lost all their teeth due to missing teeth.


Jaw joint disorder is the deterioration of the harmony between the chin  joint that connects the lower jaw and the upper jaw, and the surrounding tissues with a sudden effect or over time. If left untreated, serious symptoms can be observed, which can lead to locking of the jaw. Therefore, the earlier the treatment is started, the higher the success of the treatment.

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Over time, the symptoms of jaw joint disorders, which begin mildly, can increase over time and turn into more advanced problems such as severe jaw joint pain, head, neck, shoulder pain, noise from the joint, jaw protrusion, sliding or limited opening of the jaw.


There are many factors that predispose to jaw joint diseases. The most important of them are;

  • Teeth clenching and grinding (Bruxism)

  • Stress

  • Continuous one-sided chewing

  • Faulty prosthetic procedures that affect the relationship of the jaws with each other

  • Tooth deficiencies

  • Traumas and injuries to the jaw  region

  • sports accidents

  • Tumors and systemic disorders affecting the head and neck region

  • Very long and traumatic dental procedures

  • Posture and posture disorders

  • Neurological, psychological and psychiatric problems

  • Congenital anatomical disorders

  • They are parafunctional habits such as chewing gum, biting a pencil, and biting nails.


In the diagnosis of jaw joint diseases, detailed examination of the teeth and closure system, masticatory muscles and jaw  joint is performed. If necessary, the diagnosis is made by applying intra-articular imaging methods such as MRI.



The methods to be followed in the treatment of jaw joint disease can be defined under various headings in line with the cause and severity of the disease. The goal of treatment is to restore normal and painless jaw  functions to the patient. Collaboration with the patient is very important in this process.

The type of treatment is determined according to the degree of discomfort. For most people, these symptoms are temporary and do not cause a more serious problem. After the factor causing the discomfort is eliminated, the complaints decrease and end.  

In most cases, the combined use of these treatments yields effective results. Only one treatment may not cure the disease.

Soft diet: It can sometimes be beneficial to reduce the pressure on the jaw  joint and masticatory muscles by consuming foods that do not require much chewing. It is necessary to avoid very large pieces and hard foods that cause us to eat by opening the mouth too much.

Ice packs, exercise and hot applications: Exercises related to opening and closing the jaw recommended by the dentist, as well as cold or hot applications that should be done from the outside to the joint area at certain frequencies can provide relief.

Medications : The dentist mayprescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants to relieve muscle pain and prevent contraction of the jaw  muscles.He may also recommend sedative drugs when necessary.

Botolinium Toxin ( Botox ) application: It will reduce the load on the joint as it will prevent tooth clenching by reducing the activation of chewing muscles that cause tension.

Splints: A splint is a transparent, removable appliance that is placed between the teeth, applied to the lower or upper jaw. It allows the lower jaw, which is accustomed to incorrect closure, to learn to close correctly, the muscles to relax and the correct movement of the jaw. Depending on the problem in the patient, it may need to be used only at night or for 24 hours. The splint eliminates the tight contact of the teeth, allowing the lower jaw to move freely and comfortably. Correctly functioning lower jaw and its muscles will ensure that the chin joint is placed in its correct place, and the discomfort and pain of the muscles and joint will disappear.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS):  This treatment uses low-level electrical current to relax the facial muscles and jaw joint. This can cause pain in some individuals.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound therapy is heat therapy, which is usually applied when the joint hurts or has difficulty in movement.

Trigger point injections: The dentistinjects a pain reliever or anesthetic into the facial muscles for this treatment. While showing the pain relief effect, it is beneficial for the patient to stretch the jaw muscles with simple exercises.

Arthroscopy: Like most surgeries, arthroscopy requires general anesthesia. It allows the maxillofacial surgeon to examine the damage in and around the jaw joint. Depending on the cause, the diseased tissue is cleaned or the location of the disc or condyle is corrected.

Open joint surgery: If there is degeneration in the jaw joint or tumoral structures around the joint, or in cases of serious injury or fracture, open joint surgery is performed. Complete recovery in this surgery is more difficult than in arthroscopy. There is also a higher chance of scarring and nerve damage.


- What is teeth grinding or teeth clenching?

Teeth grinding is a disease that is observed mostly during sleep at night and can cause serious discomfort in the future if precautions are not taken. It occurs when the stress accumulated during the day is revealed during sleep at night and the teeth are unconsciously shifted over each other.

- What kind of problems does teethgrinding or clenchingcause?

When teeth grinding and clenching gain continuity and are not prevented, it causes problems such as wear of the teeth, breaking of the teeth, receding gums and the resulting cold-hot sensitivity, joint diseases due to excessive load on the jaw joint, and discomfort of the people around. These loads transmitted to the jaw joint area through the teeth cause pain and irreversible changes in the area. For this reason, the role of early application to the dentist is great.

How is teeth grinding or clenching treated?

In the treatment, soft or hard night plaques prepared by measuring the teeth and worn at night are recommended. These plates need to be renewed periodically. However, reducing the stress in the person's daily life is important for the success of the treatment.

-What is a joint splint performed in Central Dent Bahçeşehir Clinic?

They are transparent platesused in the lower or upper jaw andproduced specially for the person to regulate the closure of the chin  and to relax the chewing muscle.As the muscle lengthens, relaxation occurs in the joint. In addition, since the teeth are protected against grinding and clenching, the damage to the teeth is reduced.

-How long does the treatment with joint splint take?

It takes a total of 2 sessions, including the construction, measurement and delivery of the splint. It is important for the patient to come to periodic controls according to the course of the treatment.

-What should be considered in the treatment of the jaw joint?

Communication with the dentist is very important during the treatment process. Periodic controls are also important in terms of the course of treatment, especially in combined treatment methods. It is necessary to use the medicines recommended by the physician regularly, to do the exercises regularly if recommended, to avoid harmful habits, and to pay attention to the diet if recommended by the physician. If splint treatment, which is a kind of prosthesis, is added to the treatment, the splint must be used regularly as recommended by the dentistand the physician's recommendations must be followed. In the use of splint plate, first week, third week and monthly checks should be made.

- How to understand improvement in jawjoint treatment?

Improvement in jaw joint treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In very severe cases, there may not always be a complete recovery. The main improvement criterion here is that the patient can perform daily jawmovements (eating, speaking, swallowing, etc.) without pain.

-Is talking too much among the causes of jaw joint disorders?

There is no information about the fact that talking too much causes jaw joint discomfort. However, movements that will cause the jaw joint to open in the maximum range should be avoided.

-How should chin  be used in order to prevent jaw joint disorders ? (Suggestions)

- First of all, attention should be paid to oral and dental health.

Dentist checks, which should be visited every 6 months, should not be neglected. Because if dental problems such as deficiencies in the teeth, incorrectly made fillings or prostheses, tooth fractures and abrasions are not treated, they adversely affect the jaw joint.

- Parafunctional habits such as lip biting, nail biting, pen biting should be avoided, and incorrect posture and posture disorders should be corrected.

- Stress that causes clenching and grinding of the teeth and most frequently damaging the jaw joint should be avoided.

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